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Courage and intelligence

Emmanuel Brochier, Dean & Director of the IPC since January 2021.
Emmanuel Brochier, Dean & Director of the IPC since January 2021.

We assist students everyday in order for them to obtain more than a degree but acquire, in relation with a original and helpful pedagogy which has been succesfull, very good working capicity (alone or in team) and most of all,  the sens of commun Good., giving right motivations in order to collaborate with everyone.

Once in the most various and renowned Masters or – after examination – in Grandes Ecoles , our students make the difference.

Our licence of philosophy remain the cursus that take further human formation and include the most important various academic disciplines in order to offer a strong general culture.

After a licence, for exemple, thanks to a partnership with Rennes School of Business, it is now possible to follow a  4th year in philosophy at  IPC  and continue in a master of science (bac+5) in particular the MSc “International Negociation & Business Development”.

Philosophy don’t only leads to philosophy but it opens on the world and its professions.

It gives courage and  intelligence, changing a life.

Emmanuel Brochier



To know more about our Licences in Philosophy and Psychology.


To know more about our openings in Philosophy and Psychology.